These are only a fraction of the rendered products. This project was canceled due to technical limitations and most scenes never made it to the video editing stage.

Some Base Stats

Over 8000 Renders Produced

130 GB Project

Unreal Engine 5.1

Main Resolution 1440

What Was Gained?

The end of year project 2022 was at its time the largest project and as result was not fully completed. It never made it to its video stage but perhaps it will someday. This project was an introduction to skeletal meshes, animation, particle effects, more advanced sequencer animations, camera angles, more complex 3d models, and more detailed scenes.


General Note:

Out of all the potential renders, products, or release contenders, only a select few of those are released publicly. For every render publicly viewable there maybe 2-8 versions of that render internally. Each of those unreleased renders may be only slightly or largely different. Due to the file sizes of many of these projects, many of its products will never be made public.